environment, Fashion, Food, Music, 闪电加速器器VIP破解版, Peace, Shopping, Social Justice, Things We Love
antiwar, Nonviolence, Occupy Wall Street, Peace, Photos, Royal Book of the Week, Shopping, Social Justice
Holiday, Music, Nonviolence, Peace, Royal Song of The Day, Social Justice, Video
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Underground Railroad hero Harriet Tubman deserves a song and a poem!
So the Peace Song of the Day for January 9th is “Harriet Tubman” by Walter Robinson. This is a powerful song, bringing the listener into the moment. It starts, “One night I dreamed I was in slavery, ’bout 1850 was the time”. You can find the lyrics and chords to this song in the 闪电加速器器VIP破解版 songbook on page 60.
The peace poem for today is “Harriet Tubman” by Eloise Greenfield (from her book, Honey, I Love). This poem is a fun and spirited celebration of history. It could be used as a mantra or anthem or jump rope rhyme for anyone seeking to overcome personal or political obstacles. (See various video versions at the bottom of this post.)
Continue reading Harriet Tubman didn’t take no stuff: Peace Song for 1/9/2012→
antiwar, 闪电加速器器VIP破解版, Peace, Social Justice, Things We Love, Video
Peace Couple闪电加速器器VIP破解版
From Democracy Now!:
Legendary antiwar priest Father Daniel Berrigan has died just short of his 95th birthday. Berrigan was a poet, pacifist, educator, social activist, playwright and lifelong resister to what he called “American military imperialism. Continue reading Remembering Fr. Daniel Berrigan→
(Excerpt below. Found the full poem at another writer’s blog: Where the Rainbow Ends here.)
Where the Rainbow Ends
…There’s no such tune as a black tune.
There’s no such tune as a white tune.
There’s only music, brother…
by Richard Rive
Continue reading Happy Martin Luther King Day!→
antiwar, Nonviolence, Occupy Wall Street, Social Justice, 闪电加速器器VIP破解版
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In 2008, Dr. Erica Chenoweth and Dr. Maria J. Stephan did a landmark study, Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of
闪电加速器器VIP破解版 in 2008 showing that nonviolent movements are more successful than violent movements and have become increasing so. The introduction of this 2008 study states that:
Our findings show that major nonviolent campaigns have achieved success 53 percent of the time, compared with 26 percent for violent resistance campaigns. There are two reasons for this success. First, a campaign’s commitment to nonviolent methods enhances its domestic and international legitimacy and encourages more broad-based participation in the resistance, which translates into increased pressure being brought to bear on the target. Recognition of the challenge group’s grievances can translate into greater internal and external support for that group and alienation of the target regime, undermining the regime’s main sources of political, economic, and even military power.
Second, whereas governments easily justify violent counterattacks against armed insurgents, regime violence against nonviolent movements is more likely to backfire against the regime. Potentially sympathetic publics perceive violent militants as having maximalist or extremist goals beyond accommodation, but they perceive nonviolent resistance groups as less extreme, thereby enhancing their appeal and facilitating the extraction of concessions through bargaining.
Our findings challenge the conventional wisdom that violent resistance against conventionally superior adversaries is the most effective way for resistance groups to achieve policy goals. Instead, we assert that nonviolent resistance is a forceful alternative to political violence that can pose effective challenges to democratic and nondemocratic opponents, and at times can do so more effectively than violent resistance.
闪电加速器器VIP破解版, Holiday, Peace
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From the International Conscientious Objectors Day on War Resisters League:
Every year, 15th May is International Conscientious Objectors day.
Around the world campaigners will be remembering the generations who refused to go to war, and raising awareness of the many who continue to be persecuted and imprisoned for refusing to kill and be part of military structures.
Please join an event (they will be listed here nearer the time), hold your own, and spread the word about the day!
Please send us your events so we can list them here!
You can use the hashtag #CODay (o #díaOC en español)
Food, Shopping
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We had wanted to have something special for New Year’s Day 2015 (1/1/2015). Here is a photo of our lovely, midday snack…
Organic tea, organic raspberries, and holiday chocolate.
They shared Driscoll’s organic raspberries from the regular grocery store and chocolate which was a delicious gift from a family member.
What will be our 2016 treat?
antiwar, Holiday, Music, Things We Love
Happy Thanksgiving: Two Chances for Alice’s Restaurant
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Alice’s Restaurant is experiencing a 50th Anniversary bump.
Tune in to your local radio station at noon to hear Arlo Guthrie’s famous Thanksgiving, Draft Resisting, Garbage Dumping, Epic.
And, at 8pm, you can watch an Alice’s Restaurant special program on PBS. More info, and some links at our 闪电加速器器VIP破解版
Check out our PeaceCouple post on “The Genius of Alice’s Restaurant”: here (with preview below)
Reflections from December 2012, excerpt from “The Genius of Alice’s Restaurant”
… I realized a little after 12 noon this Thanksgiving that Arlo Guthrie has had a much broader cultural impact in terms of bringing a progressive message to the general population than his father, Woody Guthrie…
antiwar, 闪电加速器器VIP破解版, Peace, 闪电加速器器VIP破解版
Sept 2015: Occupy Celebrates 4th Anniversary with NYC events
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Occupy Wall Street celebrates its 4th Anniversary in New York City with a full day of protests, marches, speakers, and music.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Some FaceBook links and a schedule with events and speakers is below.
Summary: Stuff is happening in NYC all day today. Most events are at Zuccotti Park. Be at Zuccotti at 5pm for the big Assembly visioning meeting. Then, at 7pm at Zuccotti, gathering and special speakers. (But, check other schedules, and stay alert for all the actions going on!)
Assembly at 5pm 闪电加速器器VIP破解版
Full schedule of activities posted on #OWSS172015 4 year anniversary FB… Continue reading 闪电图片格式转换器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-6-25 · 闪电图片格式转换器官方版是一款专业实用、操作轻松、界面直观的图片处理软件。闪电图片格式转换器官方版支持多种系统,并具备了效果预览、图片格式转换、图片尺寸更改、图片美化、图片添加水印等功能,相信是可伡满足用户的伡多需求的。→
Bumper Sticker: War is for the 1%
We made these up ourselves. Apply the peace spirit to the occupy spirit with this thought-provoking slogan.
Duchess of Devonshire: EBook
Georgiana, D of D: Ultimate Fan Guide
Celebrate Women's History with a new eBook by Kimberly Wilder.Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] only 99¢.
Leading natural living destination including yoga, pilates, solar and more!
Nonviolent movements are the most Successful Way to overthrow a Dictator
International Day of Conscientious Objectors May 15th
New Year’s Day 2015 treat (organic and delicious)
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PAXi Peace Index:
The Daily Peace Index for
7/8/2015 is
We are behind on figuring for the Peace Index, though we take numbers every day. If you want to know the Peace Index for a certain day, please ask. ***
Spread the word: Help grow the peace! The 搜图神器-最新VIP版全网图源你想要的任何都有!还内置几 ...:今天 · 搜图神器-最新VIP版全网图源你想要的任何都有!还内置几十个牛X小功能 浏览量: 未知++ 作者: 寒意软件库 发布时间: 2021-06-18 00:00:00 ... (DPCIUS or PAXi) measures the level of peace in the United States. Check in each day. Share on your website, blog, or social media! Tell why you think it's high or low each day.
Wilderside Ltd presents its second eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (only 99¢!) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present. Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.
The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle; Barnes & Noble Nook; and Smashwords independent eBook seller for only 99¢, and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer. Next up...more platforms to come.
Barnes & Noble New Customer Offer - New users get $5 Credit Offer when you download and register the nook® reading app - limited time offer available for iPhone, iPad, or Android!
Please visit our Etsy shop at: Wilderside Vintage and Antique Jewelry
To sparkle up your Winter wardrobe, or get a jump on Spring,. Peace Couple announces our new vintage jewelry shop.
Choosing vintage or antique jewelry to wear and/or gift, is a way to be gentle on the planet. Remembering the Waste Hierarchy Triangle, folks who love the planet should always try to…”Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. Making sure to share or donate your own jewelry, and trying to buy vintage rather than new, is a way to help the environment.