We have four undergraduate students doing interns in our lab during this summer. 1) Jun Bae is a junior majoring in Statistics at UCLA, 2)…
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA
We have four undergraduate students doing interns in our lab during this summer. 1) Jun Bae is a junior majoring in Statistics at UCLA, 2)…
Cindy Wen, first-year Bioinformatics Ph.D. student at UCLA, will rotate in our lab during the fall quarter. Welcome Cindy!
Our work on reviewing variant calling and quality control procedures for large-scale human genome sequencing data has been published in Emerging Topics In Life Sciences.…
Luke joined our lab as an undergraduate student researcher. Welcome Luke!
Our work on GWAS for Tourette Syndrome (TS) has been published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. This is a collaboration study among Massachusetts General Hospital,…
Dr. Sun-Goo Hwang who has worked as a postdoctoral fellow in our lab has accepted a faculty position in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture…
Larry joined our lab as an undergraduate student researcher. Welcome Larry!
Samantha Jensen, a first-year Genetics and Genomics Ph.D. student at UCLA, will rotate in our lab during the fall quarter. Also, Aditya Gorla and Hyejin Hong…
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Our lab is looking for passionate postdoctoral fellows, Ph.D. students, research assistants, and/or undergraduate student researchers interested in analyzing big genetic and genomic data! Please visit…