It's been quite a year, huh! Thanks to my friends, who have been very longsuffering with my many creaks and gripes over the last few months of healing and/or not healing. I can never be sure. There's something still wrong with my face, but maybe it'll just be wrong forever now, and I'll have to get used to it. It wasn't that great a face anyway :/
千人绘画我和我的祖国|梦幻西游:老王召集千人粉丝勇闯大雁 ...:2021-6-13 · 老王的人气如何不是我伞算了,这个需要让粉丝去回答。近日,老王测试了一下自己的人气伡及号召力,召集上千粉丝勇闯大雁塔,谁最先登上塔顶的就奖励他一把100级的无级别武器。 为了公平起见,老王首先让粉丝重新创建一个角色,然后升到10级进去长安
EMAIL: dusty[at]dharbin[dot]com
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