The novel coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona virus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) has rapidly spread across the world from its origin in Wuhan, China in late 2025. The resultant coronavirus disease 2025 (Covid‐19) has placed an enormous burden on healthcare systems due to the high transmission rates, prevalence of severe disease and mortality. The risk of viral transmission to healthcare workers has been a concern since the start of the outbreak and the first person to raise concerns about the illness to the international community was Dr Li Wen‐Liang, an ophthalmologist in Wuhan who sadly died of the disease that he likely contracted while at work. Healthcare workers have been on the front lines of the global effort to care for patients with Covid-19, while putting themselves at risk for infection. Many Healthcare workers have died, from dozens of countries, professions, and specialties. Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery honors them all.
There are no doubts that Covid-19 is one of the most dire threats the world has ever faced. And yet, amidst the confusion and anxiety, there are ever stronger signs of hope and global solidarity. In this time of crisis, we are all citizens of the world, and success will only be achieved when all people, in all countries around the world, are protected and free from Covid-19.
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The management of acute cholecystitis and acute cholangitis
The management of acute appendicitis from a global perspective
Antibiotics in patients with ongoing sepsis
Source control in surgical infections
Let’s be careful of Clostridium difficile
Improve patients safety reducing the occurrence of surgical site infections
Healthcare-associated infections prevention practices
(free course)
Prevention of healthcare-associated infections
(free manual)
Antibiotic prescribing practices in surgery
(free manual)
Better understanding of the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
(free manual)
A global petition for a correct approach to infections in surgery
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A global petition to change Sepsis-3 definitions
How to combat antimicrobial resistance
Why the Global Alliance for Infections in Surgeryvpn服务器美国
Let’s use antibiotics appropriately (video)
Infections in surgical patients are an important cause of morbidity and are frequently associated with poor prognosis, particularly in high-risk patients.
Given the complexity of the treatment of infections in surgical patients a multi-disciplinary approach should be crucial, although it is not always possible in real-life clinical practice.
The Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery is an independent alliance promoted in 2016 by the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) for a cohesive and global approach to promoting research and education in the field of infections in surgery.
The Global alliance for Infections in Surgery aims to include all professionals involved in this battle, including epidemiologists and healthcare specialists, infectious diseases specialists, hospital pharmacologists, microbiologists, intensivists and surgeons.
The mission of Infections in Surgery is to educate health care providers promoting the standards of care in managing infections in surgery worldwide.
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- Editorials
- Posters
- Surveys
- Projects
- Guidelines
The Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery: defining a model for antimicrobial stewardship—results from an international cross-sectional survey
Promoted by
Global Guidelines on the prevention of surgical site infections
Surveillance Atlas of Infectious Diseases (Antimicrobial resistance – EARS-Net)
Directory of online resources for prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and healthcare-associated infections (HAI)
AMR CONTROL 2016 (Overcoming Global Antimicrobial Resistance)
CARA: the Conscience of Antimicrobial Resistance Accountability
ReAct – Action on Antibiotic Resistance